And he keeps hating me. And he keeps abusing me. And noone wants to see how he destroys me. Thank God I got help. Together with God I will persevere in my carreer!! I am sad on the one hand and very lucky on the other side. My talents and gifts are a blessing from my God. I really love to play the guitar and compose new pieces. The boogeyman was and is very close. He hates me so, everything I build he breaks down. But I have help. God shows me how to move around him and reminds me of my grandmother, how strong she was and how happy she has raised me. While the boogeyman never cared. He did not raise me, he kicks me and hits
me. He broke my bellybutton and earlier my jaws without bringing me to the hospital. Because of negliance of my parents I was raped and raped and raped. All my holes (butt, mouth, bellybutton) hurt permanently.
One day the boogeyman will die and the people will rejoice over my God, Satan.