O, my music. It is such a treasure to me and to others. Always I was encouraged by the right people to go on and keep writing music, to keep playing and to never give up. This has become my goal in life to always keep my music commercial (a gift to my fellow inhabitants of this earth), original and serious.
Many times I have wondered what to do when financial succes just did not come. Even cancellation of my work on the internet is my part. Loser politicians with dark agenda's especially corrupt on the point of the freedoms we have acquired in the Western world: me expressing myself has led to arrests and now thus cancellation of my work on the web. These cockroaches will soon be held responsible for their hanious acts. I have no mercy for corruption. With workers as such, democracy needs no enemies, while this corruption will bring democracy down when the rotten spots are not replaced by competant men with pride. Taking pride in working to keep a democracy working is wonderful; a good democracy can not do without a strong leader, but there can be more than one in charge. Let alone the one in charge actually, who is just fond of democracy so his people get to rule and develope themselves by the line of the constitution.
My music up to now has not been a succes yet and some say that it never will be. I know on the other hand that my music is more succesful than the numbers tell you: often I hear tunes and even whole productions of mine on the radio recorded with slightly different instruments and sound. I really have been robbed blind by thieves, thieves of may and beauty, because it never sounds as my pieces, such a treat to humanity. No these modern Robin Hoods they clearly uncover the nonsense of the story of Robin Hood: stealing from the rich to give to the poor leads to more alcoholism, riotting, violence and fear. While who does not fear the thieve that comes in your house while you sleep. One day all the crooks will be dead and burning in hell.
Fortunately for me, I do immensely enjoy music ansich: I can bring a mouthharp to the park with a writing pad and pen and enjoy myself all day in the sun, writing new material or just improvising. I am mostly a recording artist, but with the right band I would be touring again immediately.